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Salem Health
Available everywhereSalem Health covers diseases, disorders, treatments, procedures, specialties, anatomy, biology, and issues in an A-Z format, with sidebars addressing recent developments in medicine and concise information boxes for all diseases and disorders. Titles include:
- Magill's Medical Guide
- Salem Health: Infectious Diseases & Conditions
- Salem Health: Cancer
Salem Literature
Available everywhereSalem Literature is a robust online database that includes the complete content of printed reference sets. Titles currently available:
- Critical Survey of Mythology and Folklore: Heroes & Heroines
- Critical Survey of Mythology and Folklore: Love, Sexuality, and Desire
- Critical Survey of Mythology and Folklore: World Mythology
Salem Science
Available everywhereSalem Science is a robust online database that includes the complete content of printed reference sets. Titles currently available on Salem Science:
- Encyclopedia of Mathematics & Society
- Earth Science: Earth Materials and Resources
- Earth Science: Earth’s Weather, Water, and Atmosphere
- Earth Science: Earth's Surface and History
- Earth Science: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
- Environmental Issues
- Encyclopedia of Global Warming
Sanborn Maps (Library of Congress edition)
Available everywhereDigital Sanborn Maps, 1867-1970 provides access to more than 660,000 large-scale maps for more than 12,000 American towns and cities. Sanborn fire insurance maps are the most frequently consulted maps in libraries, and are valuable historical tools. In electronic form, Sanborn maps allow users to easily manipulate the maps, magnify and zoom in on specific sections, and layer maps from different years.
Resource guide: Fire Insurance Map Research Guide
Something About the Author
Available everywhereSomething About the Author Online provides first-time comprehensive online access to all volumes ever printed in Gale's™ acclaimed and long-standing Something About the Author series, which examines the lives and works of authors and illustrators for children and young adults and is the preeminent source on authors and literature for young people. Something About the Author Online includes both the main series and Something About the Author Autobiography Series, totaling more than 217 volumes, 12,000 entries, and nearly 17,000 images - all delivered in an easy-to-use 24/7 online format that matches the exact look and feel of the print originals.