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Find resources to help support your job search.

Browse items from the catalog, online, and explore our services to build your experience and start your next chapter.


Not sure where to start?

The Job Seeker's Toolkit from the State Library Resource Center and the Maryland Workforce Exchange from the Maryland Department of Labor are great places to start your search with more tools! 




Employment Opportunities @ WCFL

If you're looking for a job, we're looking for someone like you! Check out our current job opportunities, this may be the change that you've been looking for!

The Washington County Free Library recognizes the principles of diversity and inclusion, and strives to ensure equal opportunities for its workforce, applicants and community members. If you are a person who wants to make a difference, give back to your community, and be a voice for change, apply to the Washington County Free Library today.

(In conformity with applicable laws, the Washington County Free Library is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, size, marital status, national origin, or physical or mental handicap.)

Employment Opportunities at Washington County Free Library
Start Date
Closing Date
Degree Requirements
Head of Circulation Services MLS or BA
Library Associate I (Part-time) - Youth Services (Teen Area) Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university
Library Assistant III (Full-time) - Asst Head of Circulation Services High School or GED equilvalent

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