Apps for Library Resources: Access your digital library anywhere.
Use the apps below to explore eBooks and audiobooks, stream movies, listen to music, and find current issues of newspapers, magazines, and more from the library. Each app can be downloaded to your smart device.
Step 1: Select the app to learn more and download it to your device
Step 2: Follow the prompts from the app to sign in with your library card
Step 3: Start browsing to find materials you want to borrow from your library!
The library highly values access to a wide range of resources for our community. In order to continue to provide all the resources you have come to expect the library now needs to institute a daily cap on Hoopla checkouts effective October 1, 2023. Budgetary constraints make this a necessary step. This measure aims to ensure equitable access for all patrons while managing our resources responsibly. We appreciate your understanding as we navigate these challenges together. If while using Hoopla you receive a message that the daily cap has been reached for the day, simply come back the next day to complete your checkout.